I've long marveled at those runners who never seem to lose the fire as they move through life's decades. I revere those whose passion, like a bed of mature coals, sustains heat after years and years of experience, successes and failures, breakthroughs and setbacks. I wanted to know: What is the secret to that long-burning passion? Are they genetically lucky? Born optimistic? Or could I find core habits, mindsets, and practices they employ to keep the fire burning?
To answer these question, I interviewed more than 50 runners who started in their youth and are still chasing it into their masters years. They range from well-known elites like Joan Benoit Samuelson, Bill Rodgers and Deena Kastor, to less-gifted but no less dedicated local competitors. I discovered that these runners all share specific perspectives and patterns that allow them to adapt to changing life circumstances, accept declining abilities, and rebound from setbacks.
In Run Strong, Stay Hungry I share 9 keys from these veteran racers that keep them training strong, hungering for competition, and drawing the same enjoyment from the sport as they did when they started. From training methods to mental attitudes, these specific keys can help you too enjoy a lifelong, healthy running career as well as boost your enjoyment of running and your racing performance whatever your age.
"Like going on a long run with multiple generations of running's wisest and most-experienced" —Pete Magill
"Run Strong, Stay Hungry is for runners who get that running is not about one race or rival. Running is about you, your path, and your lifetime of running.” ― Bill Rodgers
"...a book that’s as much about life as about running. Lifetime competitors accept that today, though not perfect, may be 'as good as it gets,' writes Beverly. 'And it is enough.'” — Kristine Morris, Forward Reviews
"In a crowded world of books telling us how much to run and how fast, RUN STRONG, STAY HUNGRY stands apart as a lovely distillation of lessons learned from runners who have built happy and impressive running lives over decades. Whether you’re a younger runner trying to PR or a masters athlete looking to maintain and improve your running, everyone will find wisdom in Jonathan’s book, which very easily could have been titled, 'How to Live a Meaningful Life' or 'How to Fall in Love with Running All Over Again.'" — Greg White
"Beverly wrote two books in 2017 and they’re both essential volumes on any runner’s bookshelf. His most recent, Run Strong, Stay Hungry, hit close to home as I found myself reexamining my own relationship to competitive running after 20 years of participating in the sport. It played a hugely influential role in my recent decision to go all-in on the marathon in 2018 and not hang up my road racing flats anytime soon. It will speak loudly to you too if you’re looking for a little extra inspiration—and oodles of experienced advice—to help you stay with it for the long run."
—Mario Fraoli, The Morning Shakeout
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